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Women's Minstry

Women’s Ministry

There are many opportunities for women to be involved here at Summit.  Mercy meals, Bridal & Baby showers, Hospitality teams, Music ministry, Bible studies and Prayer groups.

Contact: Tori Irlbeck or Judi Larson
Tel: 715-292-7464 |  Tel: 715-209-5796


 Youth Group

Seeks to equip youth 6th-12th grade to know the Word of God and live out their faith.

Contact: Joe Mousseau  |  Tel: 715-292-0261



Sportsmen for God exists to walk alongside men of all ages as they seek to love God and enjoy His creation.  

Contact: Travis Larson  |  Tel: 715-209-6910

Kids Club
55 n Better

55 'N' Better

Ministry to those who are 55 yrs and up.  They meet monthly to encourage and be encouraged through special guests, and delicious food.

Contact: Eugene & Elaine Westlund

   Tel: 715-765-4660

Summit Church, 400 Salem Drive, Ashland, WI 54806

 Opening Hours: Mon - Thurs: 9am-3pm,​​  â€‹Sunday: 9am-12pm

©2024 Summit Church

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